Limfoma non hodgkin pdf download

The first symptom is usually a painless swelling in a gland in the neck, armpit or groin. Subtipe nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl berkisar 0,5% dari karsinoma mammae, 1% dari semua nhl dan 2% dari limfoma ekstranodal. Epidemiologi limfoma nonhodgkin nhl merupakan penyakit yang terutama dijumpai pada usia agak tinggi. Walaupun hodgkin limfoma boleh bermula di manamana bahagian badan, biasanya ia bermula dalam nod limfa di bahagian atas badan. This lymphoid malignancy involves peripheral lymph nodes and can also affect organs such as liver, lung, and bone marrow. Kebiasaannya di bahagian dada, leher atau di bawah lengan. Limfoma mammae diklasifikasikan sebagai limfoma primer dan sekunder. Adc combination therapy for lymphoma was approved lymphoma is a cancer that develops in the lymphatic system and is mainly divided into two types of hodgkins lymphoma and nonhodgkins lymphoma. About 558,340 people with non hodgkin lymphoma the lymphoma guide has sections with information for all types of lymphoma, for hodgkin lymphoma and for non hodgkin lymphoma. Nonhodgkins lymphoma arising in patients treated for hodgkins. Theyll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance the kind of sophisticated look that. Limfoma non hodgkin lnh merupakan sekumpulan besar keganasan primer kelenjar getah bening dan jaringan limfoid ekstra nodal, yang dapat berasal dari.

Not all patients will need all of these treatments, but it is important to know that most forms of nonhodgkin lymphoma in children cannot be cured with surgery alone. Limfoma komposit merupakan penyakit yang jarang terjadi. Diagnosing non hodgkin s lymphoma and the precise subtype is challenging, and optimising the diagnostic process is central to improved management. Malignant process of lymphoreticular system 6% of childhood cancer 5% of cancer in limfoma komposit. Our new crystalgraphics chart and diagram slides for powerpoint is a collection of over impressively designed datadriven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Boys are two to three times more likely to develop nonhodgkin lymphoma before age 20 compared to girls.

Mar 03, 2020 askep limfoma non hodgkin pdf free download metaanalysis or integrative analysis needs to be conducted, increasing statistical power and nhk reproducibility of identified markers. Hodgkin lymphoma hodgkin lymphoma hl, one of the most curable forms of cancer, was named for thomas hodgkin, a british pathologist. Jul 12, 20 nonhodgkins lymphomasdefinition and epidemiology 1. Key statistics for nonhodgkin lymphoma nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl is one of the most common cancers in the united states, accounting for about 4% of all cancers. Limfoma hodgkin ciri khasnya ialah ditemukan gambaran reedsternbeg yang merupakan sel multinuklear, sedangkan limfoma non hodkin akan di bahas lebih lengkap pada penelitian ini. Other symptoms may include bone pain, chest pain or itchiness. Bcell and tcell lymphomas bcell lymphomas 80% tcell lymphomas 15% bcell cancers. This disease was called hodgkins disease for about 170 years. Patofisiologi limfoma maligna free download as word doc.

Di dalam pembuluh limfatik mengalir cairan bening yang disebut cairan limfe. Limfoma non hodgkin adalah kanker yang berkembang di kelompok sistem limfatik atau getah bening, yaitu pembuluh dan kelenjar yang tersebar di seluruh tubuh yang berfungsi sebagai bagian dari sistem kekebalan tubuh. Follicular lymphoma is a cancer that develops in the white blood cells, lymphatic system and bone marrow. For every two girls diagnosed, about five boys are diagnosed. Hanya saja, kanker limfoma hodgkin memiliki zat yang dikenal dengan cd30, sedangkan limfoma nonhodgkin cd20. Hodgkin lymphoma selalunya merebak melalui saluran limfa dari nod limfa ke nod limfa yang lain. Nonhodgkin lymphoma which accounts for the remaining 90% has a wide range of histological appearances and clinical features at presentation, which can. Types of bcell lymphoma types of tcell lymphoma research and statistics.

Ppt non hodgkins lymphoma powerpoint presentation free to. Nonhodgkins lymphoma two main types of nonhodgkins lymphoma. Some forms are slowgrowing, while others are fastgrowing. Malignant process of lymphoreticular system 6% of childhood cancer 5% of cancer in non cancerous problems, such as infections. Insidensi puncak terdapat di atas 40 tahun dan untuk berbagai subtipe bahkan di atas 60 tahun di seluruh dunia. Limfoma maligna adalah kelompok neoplasma malignaganas yang muncul dalam kelenjar limfe atau jaringan limfoid ekstranodal yang ditandai dengan proliferasi atau akumulasi selsel asli jaringan limfoid limfosit, histiosit dengan prasel dan derivatnya. A free powerpoint ppt presentation displayed as a flash slide show on id. Nonhodgkins lymphoma is the sixth most common cancer in the uk. Non hodgkin lymphomas begin when a type of white blood cell, called a t cell or b cell, becomes abnormal.

Nonhodgkin lymphomas begin when a type of white blood cell, called a t cell or b cell, becomes abnormal. Anjurkan dan berikan banyak minum sesuai kebutuhan cairan anak menurut umur rasional. This disease was called hodgkin s disease for about 170 years. About 77,240 people 42,380 males and 34,860 females will be diagnosed with nhl. This may in part reflect increased exposure to pathogenic factors such as human t.

Tcell nonhodgkin lymphoma blood american society of. Worlds best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. That is, the effects of most snps are moderate to small. About 558,340 people with nonhodgkin lymphoma the lymphoma guide has sections with information for all types of lymphoma, for hodgkin lymphoma and for nonhodgkin lymphoma. Karena tidak umum, banyak masyarakat tidak mengenal faktor risiko dan gejalanya, kata arry yang juga merupakan ketua perhimpunan hematologyonkologi medik perhompedin indonesia saat jumpa media bersama takeda oncology di jakarta. Cairan limfe ini dibentuk atau berasal dari cairan jaringan melalui difusi atau filtrasi ke dalam kapiler kapler limfe dan seterusnya akan masuk ke dalam peredaran darah melalui vena. Lymphoma 3rd most common cancer in children incidence is 15 per million children two broad categories 1 hodgkin disease 2 non hodgkin disease 4. Boys are two to three times more likely to develop non hodgkin lymphoma before age 20 compared to girls. Askep limfoma non hodgkin pdf free download metaanalysis or integrative analysis needs to be conducted, increasing statistical power and nhk reproducibility of identified markers. Researchers are aware of a few risk factors for nonhodgkin lymphoma. Significant improvements in our understanding of the biology. Berdasarkan gambaran histopatologisnya, limfoma di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu limfoma non hodgkin dan limfoma hodgkin. Hodgkin lymphoma is a rare cancer accounting for approximately 0.

Saat ini terdapat 36 entitas penyakit yang dikategorikan sebagai lnh dalam klasifikasi who. Mahmood khan, md hematologyoncology 12503 lymphomas tumors of the lymphoid tissue 4% of all cancers mostly solid tumors but may. Nonhodgkin lymphoma represents the fifth leading type of cancer among both sexes, accounting for 45% of new cancer cases and 3% of cancer deaths. Median umur penderita limfoma nonhodgkin adalah 50. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. About 40% of patients suffer from constitutional symptoms bsymptoms. Nonhodgkin lymphoma the cancer survival toolbox cst is a free set of selflearning audio programs developed by the national coalition for cancer survivorship nccs, along with leading cancer organizations. Aug 30, 2018 ada dua jenis limfoma maligna yaitu limfoma hodgkin hd dan limfoma nonhodgkin lnh. Hodgkin lymphoma, sometimes called hodgkin disease, is a type of lymphoma a general term for cancer of the lymphatic system the various lymph glands around the body.

There are many different subtypes of the disease, with markedly different clinical courses and requirements for therapy. Alternatively, you can download the pdf file directly to your computer, from where it can be opened using a pdf reader. Hodgkin described several cases of people with symptoms of a cancer involving the lymph nodes. The cell divides again and again, making more and more. The nonhodgkin lymphomas nhls are characterized by various agerelated differences in clinical presentation, biology, and outcome. Biasanya, jika tumor tidak membesar dan tidak menimbulkan gejala yang serius, anda tidak perlu pengobatan, tetapi dokter akan memantau status kesehatan anda secara teratur untuk memastikan bahwa tumor masih berada dalam kendali.

Non hodgkin s lymphoma is the sixth most common cancer in the uk. Komposit, laporan kasus, limfoma composite lymphoma. Pengobatan limfoma non hodgkin dilakukan berdasarkan usia, kesehatan, dan perkembangan tumor. Twentytwo of 3033 patients with hodgkins disease hd randomised into the clinical trials of the.

Kadangkadang apabila ia semakin serius, ia boleh menyerang aliran darah dan. Symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, fever, night sweats, weight loss and tiredness. Hodgkin lymphoma hl is one of the most frequent lymphomas in the western world, with an annual incidence of about 3 cases per 100,000 persons. Lymphoma is a cancer of a part of the immune system called the lymph system. Pada saat diagnosis pasien juga mungkin mempunyai gejala lain dari limfoma non hodgkin.

An estimated 72 580 new cases of nonhodgkin lymphoma are expected in the usa in 2016, and 4 new cases were reported in the uk in 20. Caucasian children are about 40% more likely to develop non hodgkin lymphoma compared to african american. Download the rich picture on non hodgkin lymphoma pdf. At a glance nhl is the most common form of lymphoma1. Limfoma non hodgkin lnh merupakan sekumpulan besar keganasan primer kelenjar getah bening dan jaringan limfoid ekstra nodal, yang dapat berasal dari limfosit b, limfosit t, dan sel nk natural killer. Researchers are aware of a few risk factors for non hodgkin lymphoma. Tcell nonhodgkin lymphomas nhls are uncommon malignancies that represent approximately 12% of all lymphomas. And there are large, abnormal lymphocytes, reedsternberg cells, in their lymph nodes of most patients with hodgkins lymphoma. Tcell non hodgkin lymphomas nhls are uncommon malignancies that represent approximately 12% of all lymphomas. Treatment plans are tailored to the specific type of nonhodgkin lymphoma and its stage. Median umur penderita limfoma nonhodgkin adalah 50 tahun. Laporan pendahuluan limfoma maligna lm kanker kenlenjar. Jan 14, 2014 lymphoma 3rd most common cancer in children incidence is 15 per million children two broad categories 1 hodgkin disease 2 non hodgkin disease 4. Ppt non hodgkins lymphoma powerpoint presentation free.

Lowgrade or indolent nonhodgkin lymphoma, where the cancer develops slowly and there may be no symptoms for many years. Limfoma hodgkin dan limfoma nonhodgkin sebuah laporan kasus. Apabila terdapat hambatan pada aliran cairan limfe yang melalui sistem limfatik, terjadilah edema, yaitu pembengkakan jaringan akibat adanya kelebihan caiaran. A key at the bottom of each page shows you whether the section has l lymphoma information hl hodgkin lymphoma information nhl non hodgkin lymphoma information. Limfoma nonhodgkin sel b pada mammae yuspar jurnal.

Nonhodgkin lymphoma across the pediatric and adolescent and. Diagnosing nonhodgkins lymphoma and the precise subtype is challenging, and optimising the diagnostic process is central to improved management. Nonhodgkin lymphoma across the pediatric and adolescent. To download the pdf, click the download link above. Non hodgkin lymphoma nhl is a group of blood cancers that includes all types of lymphoma except hodgkin lymphomas. Nccs is the oldest survivorled cancer advocacy organization in. Perubahan perfusi jaringan perifer berhubungan dengan gangguan sistem transport oksigen terhadap perdaharan 5. Download as pptx, pdf, txt or read online from scribd. Caucasian children are about 40% more likely to develop nonhodgkin lymphoma compared to african american. Chart and diagram slides for powerpoint beautifully designed chart and diagram s for powerpoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. Demam berkepanjangan dengan suhu lebih dari 38oc b. A number of treatments are used for nonhodgkin lymphoma. Nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl in children just diagnosed.

The american cancer society s estimates for nonhodgkins lymphoma in 2020 are. Nonhodgkins lymphomasdefinition and epidemiology 1. Nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl is a group of blood cancers that includes all types of lymphoma except hodgkin lymphomas. Understanding the disease nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl is a type of blood cancer that affects specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes. Ppt lymphoma powerpoint presentation free to view id. Non hodgkin lymphoma which accounts for the remaining 90% has a wide range of histological appearances and clinical features at presentation, which can make diagnosis and therapy difficult 1,2, 4. Winner of the standing ovation award for best powerpoint templates from presentations magazine. Click on the icon below to download a pdf booklet on nonhodgkin lymphoma. Lymphocytes work together with other cells in the immune system to defend the body against invasion by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other foreign.

Nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl is the sixth most common cancer in the. Tulisan ini melaporkan sebuah kasus, pasien wanita 36 tahun dengan limfoma komposit yang terdiri dari limfoma hodgkin dan limfoma nonhodgkin yang terjadi sekuensial. Genenutrient interactions among determinants of folate and ngl metabolism on the risk of nonhodgkin lymphoma. Limfoma mammae merupakan kasus yang jarang karena jaringan limfoid tidak ada di regio mammae. Cairan ini mengandung salah satu jenis sel darah putih yang disebut limfosit dan berfungsi melawan infeksi.

Limfoma hodgkin pdf free download denominator the number of young people and adults with stage i or localised stage ii follicular lymphoma for whom radiotherapy would be technically possible. Jun 28, 2019 non hodgkin lymphoma represents the fifth leading type of cancer among both sexes, accounting for 45% of new cancer cases and 3% of cancer deaths. Pictured here are some common sites where nhl can occur. Mengenal limfoma hodgkin, kanker agresif yang mematikan. Hodgkin and nonhodgkin lymphoma a case report composite lymphoma cl is a rare disease. A key at the bottom of each page shows you whether the section has l lymphoma information hl hodgkin lymphoma information nhl nonhodgkin lymphoma information. Ada dua jenis limfoma maligna yaitu limfoma hodgkin hd dan limfoma nonhodgkin lnh. Understand nonhodgkins lymphoma with this clear explanation from dr. Hoffmannla roche ltd 4070 basel switzerland group communications roche group media relations tel.